Näringsliv Ulricehamn
Do you have plans to set up here in Ulricehamn? Then please contact us here at Näringsliv Ulricehamn AB. We can quickly point you in the right direction and provide you with the information you need. By making use of our expertise and our network of contacts, your establishment here will be as smooth as possible.
Camilla Palm
Telefon: 0321- 59 59 62
Overall responsibility for all operations within the company.
Helena Haglund
Tourist manager
Telefon: 0321- 59 59 64
Works with the strategic development for tourism in the municipality.
Patrik Andersson
Business & Rural Developer
Project coordinator
Telefon: 0321-59 59 67
Works with business and rural development and is the contact person for the Rural Alliance and other development groups in Ulricehamn Municipality.
Dag Andersson
Business developer
Telefon: 0321-595963
Works with business development and establishments.
Klas Persson
Communicator, marketing
Telefon: 0321-59 59 82
Responsible for the company’s digital communication via websites and social media.
Linnea Persson
Tourist communicator, marketing
Telefon: 0321-59 59 60
Responsible for Ulricehamns Tourist Office and ulricehamnsturistbyra.se. Contact person for Lassalyckan’s Vasalopp center and InfoPoint.
Linda Fritzson
Trade developer
Telefon: 0321-59 59 69
Works with development of trade in Ulricehamn. Responsible for and arranges events and activities for Ulricehamn’s City Association.
Gunilla Holgerson
Works with the company’s finances, administration and accounting.
Johanna Wichers
Communicator – Parental leave
Responsible for the company’s digital communication via websites and social media.